
I’m asked on a regular basis about service dogs. The questions that I am asked range from, “Where can I get my dog certified?”, “How can I get a service dog?” or even “What is the difference between service dogs...
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Dog owners all over the world experiencing what has be coined as "dog reactivity". This term has been used to describe dogs who behave in an extreme, 'abnormal' or inappropriate manner; typically in public places (uncontrolled environments). 

To avoid sensitization, owners must practice their observation skills and become aware of lower level 'reactivity'. By responding appropriately to these initial reactions, heightened reactions can be avoided. 

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Check out Jessica’s interview with Dreaming of Baby If you’re a household with a pet or two and a baby on the way, it’s wise to start preparing your furry friend(s) for the new arrival. Jessica Eden O’Neill, a Canine...
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